• Daily blog

    Dollar on the front foot again

    Having gained some ground against the dollar and sterling at the open yesterday, following Sunday’s first-round election results in France, the euro has since fallen back to around $1.0720 against the US currency – which was on the front foot generally despite softer than expected economic data  – but remains higher against the pound hovering […]

  • Daily blog

    Euro up slightly in early trading following French election

    The Euro is up a bit over 0.5% to 1.0770 versus the Dollar in this mornings trading. Sterling is also up slightly versus the Dollar, to about 1.2680, leaving the euro up about 0.3% against sterling to £0.849. The dollar versus Yen rate, the focus of much market attention of late was broadly unchanged since […]

  • Daily blog

    Steady trading in FX and bond markets

    The euro is not much changed versus the dollar over the past 24 hours, up very slightly to $1.070 from $1.068, still in the fairly tight range it has traded in for a couple of weeks. The first US presidential debate between President Biden and former President Tump was held overnight, but didn’t produce anything […]

  • Daily blog

    Yen under pressure, down to 36 year low

    The Euro came under pressure yesterday and dipped below $1.07 to the dollar. However, it’s holding up above the $1.0680 support level and continues to trade in a fairly narrow range that it has been in for almost the past two weeks. It’s a fairly similar situation against sterling, with the Euro continuing to trading […]

  • Daily blog

    Euro in narrow range

    The recent ups and downs for the euro continued yesterday. The single currency was under pressure following the European elections two weeks ago that saw it drop from $1.09 to $1.07 to the dollar over the course of a week. In the 8 or so trading days since then, while it has come under pressure […]

  • Daily blog

    Euro on the front foot

    The Euro reversed its losses from Friday yesterday with the single currency bouncing off below $1.07 back to around $1.0740. Once again, there was relatively little change against sterling, continuing to trade in a tight range around 84.6p. Sterling picked up against the dollar and is trading just below $1.27 this morning. Jitters about tech […]

  • Daily blog

    Euro loses ground to dollar

    The euro came under renewed pressure on Friday and lost a little ground to the dollar. Political uncertainty in the Euro Area, in particular the upcoming French elections, have pushed down on the single currency, which dropped below $1.07 for a time and is trading around that level this morning. With the French elections first […]

  • Daily blog

    Bank of England keeps rates on hold but decision ‘finely balanced’

    The Bank of England keep the bank rate unchanged, as expected, at 5.25% yesterday. However the minutes showed that for some members who voted to maintain the policy stance the decision was ‘finely balanced’ causing markets to price in a 50/50 chance of a rate cut at the next meeting in August. Sterling ticked up […]

  • Daily blog

    Bank of England meeting today but no change expected

    It was a quiet day on the data and news front yesterday and the single currency traded in a narrow range for most of the day, up towards $1.075 for a time but is back down to around $1.073 to the dollar this morning and remains around 85.5p to sterling. The UK currency did get […]

  • Daily blog

    Euro holding up as equities gain

    The euro traded more or less sideways yesterday after ticking up on Monday. The single currency is at $1.074 to the dollar this morning and 84.3p to sterling. Despite some poor sentiment data in Germany yesterday, attitudes toward the Euro Area seems a bit more positive this week following the big drops last week and […]